Our story begins with an Italian family restaurant in the heart of Spain . Their children were a boy and a girl. The girl's name was Rita . The boy's name was Mario. So far, the tale looks normal, it really isn't. What your about to read is such a beautiful tale. Now, quit listening to me and read. Cheerios!
It was a rainy day in Spain . The children were gathered in the kitchen, watching their mother make the cannoli. Their father was busy digging a moat outside to prevent rain from getting into the plants. At lunchtime , they ate a risotto of beans, rice, and water. Their mother walked in to eat and said, "Oh children, soon we will be wealthy and loved". The children smiled hopefully. They tried to believe that they would have more money. Rita suddenly started crying!"
Oh papa, I just can't go on ! We're too poor"! Papa consoled her. Ah Señorita , please don't cry. "We will soon be rich and you'll be eating real food. Don't worry, love." "No, Papa I don't want to be rich!" I just want our family to join new jobs, and I want to go to school in America!" Mario interrupted the conversation and said, "At Jose's house today, he told me that his father was going to go to America. He wanted some people to go with him! It is believed that he will pay all expenses!!!!" Mama screamed with joy! " Wow!!!! Children! We're going to America!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Papa joined in! "Quick! We must tell him our decision right away!!!" Mama screamed, "I'll bake him a lasagna!" After that statement, the whole room went quiet! Rita quivered and said, M-mama a-are you sure want to bake l-lasagna? Every single time you make it, it never comes out right!" Mama said, "Don't worry! This time I'll do my best!" The family breathed a sigh of relief! They all slept waiting anxiously for the next day!!!
The next morning, the family woke up to the birds tweeting as if an angel was singing for her family. As soon as they woke up, they started packing up for America! After everything was packed up in the suitcases (which were actually big bags full of stuff), they headed out to meet Mr. Adrian. Mr. Adrian was sitting in his chair, drinking tea. "So, you want to come to America with me, huh? Fine, but you will have to do what I say! First of all, you will not be staying with me! You have to book a hotel to stay in! And I'm not paying for you! And also, did I mention I'm only paying half of the money for the flight trip?" The family glared at Mario. He smiled apologetically and shrugged. Mr. Adrian continued. "By the way, you will have to pay 500$ to get the rest of the tickets!, and it is up to you to decide when your coming back. Oh, and I'm not paying a single penny for your return. I'm also planning to take my family with me." Mario's and Rita's faces popped with excitement. They couldn't wait to sit with each of their friends during the whole trip. The family rolled their eyes. Mr. Adrian was indeed, a very sly man! He continued talking. "Last thing! My wife and I are taking first class. It is up to you to take care of my children, and I will give you some suitcases for the trip. The airport does not accept ugly plastic bags like the ones you are carrying ." He scrunched up his nose, as if a fungus was growing right down there on the floor! He exclaimed, "I'll also give you some nice clothes to wear on the trip. I don't want to be seen with people looking like that! It will ruin my reputation.
The family looked at their clothes when he pointed to them. Papa was wearing a blue shirt with a hole in the collar and a green stain on the sleeve, with red pants that had tiny holes in the knees. Mama was wearing a floral gown with a gigantic brown stain on the hem of the gown. Mario was wearing a dirty white shirt with holes in the chest, with scraggly blue shorts. Rita was wearing a pink dress with dirty white lace on the hem and sleeves. On one of the sleeves the lace was gray and had been practically hanging off of the sleeve, and she had a big purple stain on the center of the dress. Neither of them had shoes on! Mr. Adrian threw the family 3 suitcases and a bunch of brightly colored clothes. Then he said, "Now get out of my house! Chao!" The family finally got home and threw themselves onto the sheet, that they used as a bed. They knew it was going to be a very tough trip!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The next morning, they repacked everything into the suitcases! After that they cooked some brown rice and ate it for breakfast. Then, they went out onto the streets and sold some of their belongings for money. At first, they tried to sell a pan for 500$, but no one wanted to buy it! So, they decreased the price to 250$ and some people seemed interested to buy their stuff. After a long day of selling and persuading for people to buy the stuff, the family had managed to make 450$ at the end of the day! They only had 50$ more to earn and they would be on their way to America! The next day , they had done the same routine. This time they had made up a game for children to play with them. It was called hot tomato! The children had to pass a tomato around while singing a Spanish song. When the song ended, the person who was holding the tomato was out of the game. The game cost 10$! More than 5 children wanted to play. At the end of the day. They had made 540$! It was enough money to give to Mr. Adrian, and to stop for a taco, on the way home! After giving the money to Mr. Adrian, he said they were going the next day! After that commitment the family practically ran home faster than a group of cheetahs chasing a deer!
They slept as soon as they hit the bed sheet!
On the morning of the big day, Rita and Mario woke up earlier than their parents! They had made some tea for their tired parents, to drink! After every one refreshed, and the suitcases were all checked to see if they had what was needed, the family headed out to the airport. Mr. Adrian told them to meet him there. All eyes stared their way, in an odd way. It was unusual for the neighbors to see that the old worn family, from the ugly torn up house, was walking down the pathway, in brightly colored hip clothes, holding fabulous suitcases! After the awkward strut down the pathway, the family finally reached the airport! They saw Mr. Adrian blabbering into his professional black iPhone, as he was drinking a cup of black coffee, in a sophisticated looking business suit, with very dark aviator sunglasses. No wonder, he never spent much time with his family! He looked very sly, as if he was planning to slaughter the whole family in an unsuspecting way! After Mr. Adrian was done blabbering into his phone, he looked at the family in an annoyed way. "What do you want?", he asked grumpily. " When does our flight leave?, replied Papa, questioningly.
Mr. Adrian looked at his watch. "2:30!", he grumped. After his answer the family sat down into the waiting seats. While Rita fiddled with her hair, Mario slowly nibbled on a cookie made of wheat. During the wait, a man with a white shirt decorated with golden badges and sashes, who was wearing dark blue pants came towards Rita and Mario. He smiled at them and said, " What quiet and behaved kids you are! Here! Have this!" He handed each of them a golden badge with what looked like wings of an angel carved on it. Both of them thanked the man and looked at their badges. There were tiny inscriptions on them that read, Very Important Pilot. After reading the inscription, they realized that the man who gave them the badges, was an actual pilot! They couldn't believe that they touched the fingers of a pilot. Jose and Lola were very jealous! They wanted pilot's wings too! After the long wait, their plane was finally called! As everyone pushed through the crowd, to get to the gate, Mama noticed that Mr. Adrian was secretly whispering to a buff looking security guard. It seemed that the guard was a good friend of his. Suddenly the guard confronted an innocent looking elderly lady and told her, Ma'am, I must check your purse!" He dug around in her purse and found a wallet. Out of the wallet, he pulled out a bundle of cash. "Aha! Stolen money! Ma'am I'm afraid I'll have to take this with me!", he declared. "B-but that's my own money!!!, said the elderly, chasing after him. He slapped the bundle of cash, into Mr. Adrian's hands. Mama had observed the whole incident. She had a thought to alert the police! She really wanted to slap that evil smirk off of Mr. Adrian's face. The thought was still in Mama's head as they climbed on to the plane. Meanwhile, Jose and Lola were still jealous about the pilot's wings!
A few hours later, flight attendants passed out meals, and snacks on carts for people to eat. When the carts came to the family, Papa asked the flight attendant, " Excuse me! Can I taste that clear liquid, in the glass bottle?" The flight attendant poured the liquid into a small glass, and handed it to him. Papa sipped it slowly. "Yuck! What is this? Poison?", he exclaimed in disgust. The flight attendant answered. " Vodka !", she said. He said, "Its disgusting! " She replied , "It is alcohol.." After that commitment, Papa fainted! Mama shook him trying to wake him up! As Papa was lying in the seat still in his faint position, the family started to eat the unusual food, that was given to them.
Mama chose a type of sandwich , that was a bent line of meat, in a bun that had a slit to insert the meat. On top of the food, was a red sauce ,and a yellow sauce, and a green slimy sauce, with little chunks of vegetable in it. When she tasted it, she definitely knew, it was a fatty food. It tasted somewhat like extremely greasy taco meat, and the sauces were also described in her opinion. The red sauce tasted like marinara sauce, but in a more sweet and artificial way. The yellow sauce had a spicy taste. It definitely had mustard! The green sauce, was sweet and tangy. There was definitely pickle in the sauce. Rita had also been given a weird food. It was an unusual sandwich that had buns on each side. In the sandwich there was meat, tomato, cheese, and lettuce. It tasted like a taco, but more fatty and less fresh. On one bun, she could see there were seeds on the top.
The next morning, they had finally landed.. As they got off the plane, Mama was still scowling, at Mr. Adrian. Jose and Lola were still jealous about the pilots' wings! Papa was still traumatized about the Vodka! Mrs. Maria was putting on her lipstick, while she was glaring into her compact mirror. And Mario and Rita were just staring at everything in the airport. There were bones of an animal that were a glued and stacked up, to look like how it appeared before it was deceased. There was a man who was drawing portraits of people who pay him to draw them. Mama looked around to buy food for the children to snack on. She freaked when she saw the word, Hot Dog, on a sign !
There was also a picture of a food next to the wording, also on the sign . The food looked exactly like the one , she had eaten on the plane. Mama freaked when she found out that she ate a dog! Mama fainted! The airport security got a stretch and took her to the first aid office. While they were waiting for Mama, the children ran around and played in the airport. Then, a tall man in black, grabbed Rita's and Lola's hand! Papa took note of this, and stepped up to the man. Even though, he was 2 feet smaller than the man, he managed to attract airport security. The 2 buff looking security guards looked at the man with a tough scowl. The man plastered a fake smile, as if he pretended to shake the girls' hands! Papa said, "You no kidnapping! Or, I will call police!" As Papa walked away the man put out his leg, to trip him! After that, the security guards had, had it! They cuffed the man and brought him to the break room! After that, Papa told the children , to stay with him. Mr. Adrian was blabbing into his phone. Mrs. Maria was refreshing her mascara.. Mama was in the first aid office! The kids were eating some sweets from Spain. When all of the people finished what they were doing they were about to leave to their booked homes. Then suddenly, Mrs. Maria sprung into Mr. Adrian's arms! A gigantic helicopter crashed through the ceiling! They both climbed into the helicopter! "Take care of our kids!", shouted, Mrs. Maria. It was SURREAL.
Clifhanger (.....to be continued)