Sunday, May 10, 2020

Ode to my Mother

When you lost your own mother
I know it must have felt bad
Losing this protector that was there for you for so long

I hope you see her in me
And if she was here today, I know she’d be proud of you
And maybe, those many years that she stood over you were worth it.

I want you to know that you’ve been a wonderful mother
When I go to college, I’ll miss your smirk when you hand me a cup of sickeningly sweet coffee
I’ll miss your weary face that manages to smile even through the toughest of times
I love it when you yell at me for draining your phone’s battery
I love it when you arrive at my school ceremonies, dressed in something nice, and clutching your oversized handbag awkwardly

Mother, you and I are so alike. We’ve faced so much we’ve traversed through innumerable obstacles.

Now, I’ve grown taller than you, and you must be so scared for my future.
But since you’re by my side, I’ll be okay
And when you no longer are, I’ll manage with the memory of your face, forever etched in my mind.

I couldn’t have asked for more
The least I could do
Is be a mother just like you…

- Manushree Navaneethakrishnan

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

I Miss That Now

 I Miss That Now
I no longer remember
How the tiny raindrops fell against my arm
The uncomfortable sticky, wet  feeling
I miss that now
I no longer remember
how it felt to burn my skin in the sunlight
That exhausting, blinding feeling.
I miss that now
I no longer remember
How it felt to walk through crowds
Listening in on conversations
Sharing stolen glances
with every stranger I pass
I miss that now
I miss being out there in the world
I miss the feeling of being together
The world went by so fast
We never stopped to think for a moment.
We were so spoiled
But the funny thing is....