Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Clarinet Composure and Centrals


Music is a world of creativity. Welcome to the fundamentals of the clarinet! When properly played, the clarinet produces a beautiful sound. But, if there is even one mistake or slip-up, the clarinet will make a very annoying squeak! Squeaking is essential to the clarinet, because squeaking is like your notification that something is wrong.
I’m sure every successful clarinetist has squeaked at least a hundred times. Anyway, everything needs to be perfect, if you want your clarinet to make a proper sound. You need to have perfect posture, good embouchure, and a working clarinet. Let’s focus on posture, first. You should always have a straight back and your feet should be on the floor. You should always be attentive, and focused. Posture is essential to tune and sound.
A good tune happens, when you blow an even stream of air that can be distributed among the instrument. Good air flow can help your tune. A clarinetist; Paula Corley says that clarinetists should voice their mouth in the vowel “E”. You should always have a tight lock around your mouth piece, and good embouchure. Embouchure is how you keep your face in band. If playing the clarinet, you should have a good posture, and have tight lips around the mouthpiece. You make a “too” noise, as you bump your tongue against the reed. 

Having a working clarinet is also very important. It can be very frustrating, to deal with a broken instrument, thinking you’re the problem! If everything is perfect You are ready to go!  Now we need to talk about heavy and strong air flow. Don’t puff out your cheeks or suck in air. Create a long breeze of air, that you can feel from your lungs and out through the bell. If you imagine a long string from your lungs through your clarinet, you can achieve this. A strong sound is key. Sometimes you can make airy sounds, and it doesn’t sound right. It shouldn’t sound like you’re hearing an actual clarinet; it should sound like a recording. That is how pure it should sound! Keeping in beat also helps with tune. If you feel confident, then your sound will be beautiful. says that high and low notes can help with tune. Playing challenging or high notes can warm you up for practice time. It recommends using vowels while adjusting pitch. Keeping your mouth in different ways changes pitch so you can adjust. Now that I think about it; I’ve been playing the clarinet with my mouth held in an “E” shape this entire time! In sixth grade I used to have a lot of trouble with my instrument. I figured it was because of my posture! I was given this book in sixth grade, called “Tradition of Excellence”. 

The book states that you should keep your chin parallel to the floor, and your elbows away from your clarinet and knees. Keeping your clarinet at a 45-degree angle can also help. You will always need necessary items to have a successful practice time. A metronome will help you keep beat. If you can’t buy a metronome, just download a metronome app on a phone. You should be able to keep beat that way. If practicing pieces of music, you should always use a music stand, to read your paper.
 If you have music to practice, always have it in front of you! Memorizing a piece is great, but I recommend you do that after you’ve learned the entire piece. This way you can always learn more during practice! On a blog, I discovered that you shouldn’t pinch the corners of your reed. It also says to voice “E’s”. Voicing seems like a good technique for many clarinetists. Pitch is very important, especially for beginners. 

When my sister started playing, the notes were so airy, and out of tune! I alerted her about this, and I taught her how to apply pressure. If you really blow in a nice even stream of air, you will make a nice sound. Do not puff out your cheeks! Puffing out your cheeks will make it even more hard to play. Many people use a double fold lip to play the clarinet. 

I would recommend this: fold your bottom lip and place your front teeth directly on the mouthpiece. This way you can produce a good sound. There’s nothing more magical than playing your very first note or sound on an instrument! After that milestone, you successfully enter the world of music. Where struggles become high notes and triumphs will be satisfied playing.


When I first started playing, I learned my very first note (Middle C). This note had a nice tang to it, as it was low and high! This year I started taking private lessons. My teacher introduced me to this cool new technique/teaching method. He said that if students learned the high notes, first they would breeze through the low ones. I have got to agree! Moving to the upper register or “crossing the break” is a bit of a pain in the back! 

The picture below is the literal definition of the one thing that BUGS me about this instrument! The picture shows a b flat to natural transition! Just one little note change, right? WRONG! A b flat is the “A” key and the register key together. A b natural is when you press every single darn key on the clarinet! Maybe, that’s why Squidward is bad at playing the clarinet! 

Anyway, whatever you feel about it, reaching the upper register is a big step for all clarinetists! 
Clarinet sound is produced with good embouchure, posture, and 99% enthusiasm! I became a clarinet
player by accident, because some person told me to play the clarinet to train for saxophone! But I’m 
kind of happy that I made that mistake, or else I wouldn’t be here writing this! I love my instrument, 
and I really hope you enjoyed reading this! Until next time, clarinet companion!                                                                                                                                                             

Thursday, October 26, 2017


7:45 am. A dry hand reaches out to open the glass door. It was cold out. A morning filled with fog, and dew. The parking lot was sprinkled with students wanting to go back home. She was a small girl. Barely four feet. Though Garnet never wanted to get up in the morning, she knew today would be a good day. Even the weather smiled at her! It was only November, and it was starting to get cold! Maybe, it would snow soon, and she wouldn’t have to go to school. The thrill of Christmas kept on tapping her on the back, as she counted down the days until winter break. Tangled in her thoughts, she almost forgot a huge line was behind her. Slowly she pushes the handle. She steps in, but is pushed back by a hyper child. After a big herd of students, the girl finally comes in. She wears a toothless smile. She walks slowly to a wooden door, and she is again pushed back. Finally, she gets in. She is blinded by a white light. She looks over at two girls sitting on the ground. One is happily chatting away, her deep dark brown hair swaying behind her. The other girl has a sneer and is adjusting her rhinestone encrusted necklace. The girl staring at her friends happily skips to them, her long black braided hair hitting her festive backpack.

The happy girl spots her, and yells,”Hey Garnet! Over here!” Garnet walks to her friends and sits down.

The girl adjusting now, her hair, gives  Garnet a reluctantsmile.”What’s up, Sapph?”, exclaims Garnet. 

Sapph ignores. Hapi, the girl with the dark brown hair, starts talking about the upcoming fall party. Since, her day was already kind of a blow, Garnet decide to brighten up her day, and everyone else’s, so she cracked a joke.

“Hey, Sapph! Mrs. Ivey’s standing above you!” Sapph looks up, scared, and realizes that the teacher wasn’t looking at her.

Garnet laughs and says,”Made you look!”

Sapph bangs her fist on the gym floor, and screams,”You’re a liar, Garnet! Heads turn to the two arguing girls.. An echoing ‘ooooooh’ is heard throughout the gym. The loud bell pierces the noise. Sapph slams into Garnet, as she stomps to class, Hapi trailing behind her.

Sapph yells to Garnet,” You’re gonna get into BIG trouble at recess!” Garnet catches a lump in her throat. She tries to swallow, but it doesn’t help. Her face had lost most of the sunshine she had. She tried to blink back tears as she walked to math.

Sapph is seen pushing Garnet to Hapi, who has an evil smirk, that is so unlike her. Hapi pushes Garnet back to Sapph. Garnet is stuck in a never ending metronome.

“STOP!!” Garnet’s voice echoes throughout the playground. No matter how much she pleads, she is stuck in the infinite metronome. A woman’s voice pierces her screams.

It gently calls,”Garnet? Garnet! GARNET!!” Garnet opens her eyes, and sees pitch black. She lifts up her head and sees Mrs. Ivey glaring at her. Garnet instantaneously picks up her pencil, and scribbles aimlessly.

“What do these numbers mean?”, she said, inside her head. Her thoughts were interrupted by an ear splitting noise. Garnet wakes up from her deep immense thoughts, and warily walks to the lunchroom.

An aromatic smell drifted through the cafeteria. Kids scrunch up their noses, as the smell passes.

A girl with chestnut hair disgustingly asks Garnet, ”EW! What is that!

Garnet sneers and says,”Its unique food that I like!” The girl gives a weird grimace, and turns her back. No kid would sit with Garnet, because of the food she brought to school. Garnet turns her stare to her two friends, sitting at the next table. Hapi is chatting away with a red head. Sapph is checking her reflection in her container lid. She puts the lid down, and looks at Garnet. She gruesomely smiles.

Garnet warily walks down the hall, tears rolling off her cheeks, and landing onto her black puffy jacket. She is shoved by a rosy cheeked blond boy, who doesn’t even stop to apologize. He smacks her water bottle out of her hands. It rolls onto the floor. She grabs it and wipes her tears, and she pushes the handle to the playground. The sun blinds her instantaneously, and after several seconds of pitch black, she could see again. Garnet could see children on the swings. Children running and chasing each other. Teachers talking and gossipping. Garnet walks, almost forgetting that she was about to told on. Garnet prays to god, that Sapph wasn’t there, but she is walking toward her, with an evil smirk on her face.

Sapph looks at  Garnet, and tells her,”Now you’ll stop being such a liar!” She sashays away and grabs Hapi by the elbow. Hapi looks like she’s about to hesitate, but she shuts up. Garnet curses in her mind.

”What a friend!”, she says internally. She sees them walking to Mrs. Schuster. The teacher beckons to her. The world fades…..

Garnet stands before the teacher. Mrs. Schuster stares coldly into Garnet;s deep black eyes. Garnet could feel her amber eyes staring into the depths of her pupils. Mrs. Schuster has a delicate smile. She claps Garnet on the back.

”Make sure not to lie Sweetie, lying is bad!”, she gently speaks. Garnet stares at her dimples, her white teeth, polished with deep brown lipstick.

Garnet feels her heel turn, and she is walking away. She needs to get to someplace, anyplace, with no one or life. She wanted to go away forever and sulk, for the rest of her life. Garnet saw a secluded yellow tube with an assortment of plastic windows. She slowly walked to the tube, unable to hold back tears. As she took steps, she noticed Sapph and Hapi at the corner of her eye. Sapph had a satisfied smile. Hapi’s face was red. She had tears, all over her face, knowing she just lost her very first and best friend. Hapi is so disappointed in herself. She questions herself.  She wants to rip Sapph into a billion little pieces. She wants Sapph to get into trouble, not Garnet. She wants to walk up to Garnet and give her a big warm hug. But she can’t. She knows that Garnet won’t be better. Garnet won’t be comforted.

After walking for what seemed like forever, Garnet finally reached the tube. She climbed in and sat on both knees. Her red pants had drops of magenta, from her tears. Her tears ran down her face. All she wanted was to forget what happened! To wake up and it was all just a dream. She sadly stares out the window. She sees Sapph and Hapi through the window. Sapph is soaring to high heights on her swing. Hapi’s face is barely seen, her brown hair covers her face, as she slumps on the swing.

Garnet refrained from thinking about anything. There was no more happiness left in her. She stares out the window again, and sees Mrs. Ivey scolding a blonde boy. She didn't even laugh like how she would've done. She stopped staring and thought about hatred. She hated everything at that moment. She didn't think about how her family would welcome her home. Or her pregnant mother who would smother her with kisses.or her little sister would playfully punch her. She couldn’t think of any of that. That happiness was far from consoling her. It wouldn’t help. She sulked in that lonely tunnel, knowing that no one loved her. No one would care! Not a soul would sit next to her and comfort her. Oh, how she longed for that warmth!

A soft tender voice came out of nowhere. “Hello? Are you ok?”, it gently pondered. For a split second, Garnet thought it was her own voice. She looked around. No one was there. She longed to hear that voice again. Something about it had a tiny shred of hope. She needed that hope. A small hand reached into the tunnel. It was followed by a tender face, laden with brown eyes, that twinkled, as light danced in them.

Her big chocolate eyes were curious, as a single strand of frizzy hair, fell on her brow. Garnet focused on the girl’s naturally rosy lips, as she spoke.

Garnet thought it was cute as she stuttered. “H-hi! My name’s  P-peridot! But I guess you can call me Peri!”, she rambled. Peri stuck out her bracelet clad hand. Garnet shook it, glumly. Peri’s eyes grew big with curiosity, but the light stopped dancing in them. She was serious.

She asked,”What’s wrong?” Garnet did not want to reply. After several seconds, of silence, she raised her hand and pointed a trembling finger at the two girls on the swings. Peri seemed to perfectly understand. She gives Garnet an unexpected hug. The hug was warmth. Garnet liked the warmth. She hugged Peri as hard as she could. Then suddenly, a spark! A burst of light. The light that would lure her from the darkness. Garnet felt it burn her heart. She liked the burn. She wanted to follow its command. Garnet wiped her tears, with one swipe of her jacket. Garnet attempted to lift her numb legs.                 And for the first time, her first words to Peri were,”Come on! Let’s get out of this miserable place!” With that, she stepped out, Peri trailing behind her. She knew that she should’ve done this a long time ago!

Garnet felt happiness. She felt courage. She could not believe she was about to do this! She trudged to those two girls, along with Peri. She saw Sapph eyeing her, as she got off of her swing. Hapi got up too, her hair shading her face. Sapph stomped to Garnet.

“Well, if it isn't the liar! Why are you here? Came to tell yet another lie?”, she cackled. Garnet felt her cheeks getting hot. Garnet shrugged off the fury. Garnet regained her step, and went right up to Sapph and Hapi. Except that Hapi had distanced herself away from Sapph. Hapi didn't even want to look at Garnet. She crumbled under the pressure.

Garnet yelled. “A friend is one who cares about her buddy. They make her laugh. They pick her up when she’s fallen. A friend is someone who you trust your life with.”, Garnet added slowly. Hapi trembled and whined as she stood in the shadow of her own shame. Garnet turned her stare to Sapph.

She deliberately spoke,”Sapph! You were never my friend! What kind of friend are you? What kind of friend ditches her friends? What kind of friend frequently discourages her friends? Or in this case, ex-friends!” Sapph tries to hold her sneer, and her mean composure, but it was clearly visible that her emotion was drastically changing.

Garnet forgets about that mean old Sapph! She turns to trembling Hapi. Garnet holds back her tears as she spoke.”Remember that day, i came into preschool, for the very first time? Remember when you gave me a hopeful smile. Told me, that i was going to be okay. Well, look at me Hapi! Do i look okay to you! Tell me Hapi, tell me!”, Garnet cried as she looked deep into Hapi’s once lively eyes. Hapi runs up to Garnet and wraps her arms around her. She whispers into her friend’s ears,”I’m so, so sorry! Garnet didn’t want to hear it. But she hugged Hapi for one last time.

Garnet turns her heel, and slowly walks away. Tears roll down her cheeks, as pictures came to her mind. A little girl blows out her candles, as another girl stands next to her. Two girls playing hide and seek. A big hug shared by two girls. Just two. “Just two, she whispered as she walked. Her tears stopped as more pictures came to mind. Two girls hugging. A girl breaks the hug. Garnet’s friend goes to the girl. Garnet feels her feet crushing the mulch. A girl under the spell of popularity. Garnet wants to look back but she can’t bring herself to do it.

Garnet takes Peri by the hand. Kids are lining up to go inside. Garnet and Peri walk to the line, as if they were escaping an explosion. Garnet knew that she wouldn’t sit with Sapph and Hapi tomorrow. She would never ever sit with them again. Though many might say Garnet was foolish to take such a little thing to heart, it is not foolish.

Garnet’s friends did much more, that was too painful to think about. Being only a second grader, Garnet took the decision to leave her friends. Though it ached her heart, she knew it was what she needed to do. Garnet and Peri reached the line. Peri squeezed Garnet’s hand. She gave her a warm smile. Behind them, Sapph and Hapi trembled, as they limped, arm in arm. Sapph had finally started crying. Sapph would never forgive herself. Hapi had straightened up, as she comforted Sapph. Sapph and Hapi would start their own story. No Garnet. Just them. Two girls. Garnet was happy to be out of that miserable friendship triangle. The bell rang.

Garnet and Peri said at the same time, to each other,”Let’s do this!” Garnet did not know it, but Peri would be her best friend for the next five years. But that’s another story!

Manushree Navaneethakrishnan

Friday, September 15, 2017

A Fantastical Odyssey


You know…. I thought this was all a crazy dream, but now I know.... it’s not !!! There’s no way that this is real, it just can’t be, I mean what person gets stuck in a kid’s storybook?! Your probably wondering how this happened. Well it’s a long story!!!! So sit back and relax, break out the popcorn and listen.

Chapter 1

The beginning

It all started one Saturday morning, when my baby sister woke me up to read her a stack of children’s books.  Normally, I would, but my friends and I were heading out to the mall. There, I found these cute pairs of jean leggings, embroidered with gemstones. I mean come on!!!!!! Wouldn’t you want a pair too? So anyway, I refused. She got mad and threw a Tantrum! Oh god!! I ran downstairs, grabbed a granola bar, and headed out the door. My friend’s mom drove us to the mall, and we had fun. While I was trying on some cute headbands, my mom calls and asks me why I didn’t read to my baby sis. So, I made up some lame excuse, and hung up. When I got home, mom looked like she would blow up! My baby sis was watching TV, while I got yelled at. I swear, she was snickering behind my back. Sometimes I feel like the mother and the youngest child have a secret connection, or alliance! So, I skipped dinner, and went to my room, where I gobbled down the rest of my leftover lasagna from the mall (I LOVE ITALIAN FOOD!!!), and lay on my bed. The pile of children’s books left on my desk, were demonically staring at me. I was studying how the books were all stacked in a weird order. Studying this order, I was imagining a wacky story involving all these storybook characters. I guess all this imagination put me into a deep sleep.

Chapter 2

A Bunch of Weird People

So, that’s how this happened. See after my sleep, I woke up in a fancy room. The odd thing about this bedroom, was that the bed was 20 mattresses tall! Then it hit me! I was in, “The Princess and the pea”! I searched under the mattresses, and found the tiny dried up pea. So I threw it out the window, and plopped on the crazy bed. The next morning, the queen asked me, if I had a good sleep. So, I responded “I had a wonderful sleep! The soft mattresses made it extra cozy!” The queen had a look of dismay on her face. Immediately, she forced me out of the castle, in the middle of my toast! So I was kicked out, along with my half eaten piece of toast! Then I’d realized what I had done! I just ruined the chances of the princess becoming the prince’s wife!!! I was walking with my head down (mostly because there was a delicious turkey for breakfast, and I didn’t get to try it), when I bumped into a straw cottage. I hid behind it, and I saw a fat porky pig walking out of it. In my mind I was thinking, “MMMMM BACON!!” And, also, I knew I was in “The 3 Little Pigs” The fat pig talked with a southern accent. He seemed to be waiting for something. I leaned more over the wall, and fell plop on my face! The pig turned around and saw me! He let out a big squeal and ran, hugging his piggy butt! Of course I went in his house, and started rummaging but then, a great big loud voice sent a chill down my spine!   LITTLE PIG! LITTLE PIG! LET ME COME IN! So, without thinking I came out, walked up to the big wolf and said,” I’m a human!” Then I kicked him in the shin, and ran off.

Chapter 3


As I was running, I bumped into a tree trunk, and boy did I have some splinters in my nose! I leaned over and saw 2 twins, a boy and a girl, sleeping on the roots. The girl had blonde braided hair, and the boy had dirty blonde, shaggy hair. Both were covered in filth and stains, so they were probably poor.  I was in “Hansel and Gretel”!    The 2 children began to awake, so I slowly tiptoed away from them. I stepped on a stick, and they saw me. I made a horrible mistake by telling them what was going to happen, and they had looks of horror on their faces! Instead of wondering down to the gingerbread house, they ran off and jumped into the creek, next to the tree. So, I seized the opportunity, and ran down to the house, and started picking at the sugar windows, and breaded walls. (Hey! After 2 hours without food, I needed to eat something!) Then a kindly old voice rang in my ears, “Nibble, nibble, little mouse. Who’s that nibbling at my house?”  Oh no! I knew she was going to invite me in. So, I kicked her in the shin, and ran off, with bread in my arms. As you can see, I like kicking people. The old lady shrugged her shoulders, and went back into the delicious house. I saw the chance, and snatched some of the sugar candies from the door way. I ran and ran, and I didn’t see where I was going, so I bumped into a tall being! I found myself being carried away by a man dressed in blue, embroidered with gold. He looked like a castle guard.

Chapter 4

I Become a Prisoner

Next thing, I’m being thrown into a dark stone room with a hole in the ground. I was pondering about the hole, so I peered into it. The smell was revolting. I was thinking, “Who in their right mind poops in a hole? It’s even indoors?  EW! ” I sat on the stone bed, and tried to stay as far away from the poop hole, as possible. I mean, who puts defecation in the same room, you sleep? YUCK! Anyway, I heard loud footsteps coming down the stone stairs. It was a bunch of guards. They were releasing all the female prisoners. I was wondering why, but who cares? They released me! We were led to a big fancy room. A prince, in TOO MUCH gold trim, was sitting smugly in a humongous chair, or was it a throne?  Anyway, he seemed to be in dismay. I almost strangled the spoiled prince, the way he lazily slouched in the chair. Sure, in the books it said he was perfect, but actually, he was a big brat! Anyway he announced in a big, old timey voice.” Hear Ye! Hear Ye! Will thou princess, that I danced with, please step forward.” Nobody stepped forward. Most of the women were dressed in oily rags. They were probably maids or poor. One of them had a huge wart, along with a snaggletooth. I could see the prince avoiding her eyes. Then, he pointed at me, and said, “You!  Why are you in here? All of these prisoners are my servants.”  “I don’t know! I was just walking, and these guards grabbed me!”,I complained. The prince felt sorry and let me go. I could see the maidens staring sadly at me as I left. I knew I had to release them!

Chapter 5

The Escape

I waited until midnight outside the castle, and broke in through a nearby window. I ended up in the queen’s room. I couldn’t stop myself from snickering! The queen had a green facemask, cucumber eyes, and rolled up hair. What was hilarious, was that she had her mouth open, and she was drooling all over the place. Not the queen’s finest hour. Anyway, sneaking past her was a breeze! I was tip toeing in the grand hall, and a guard saw me. I ran and kicked him. I ran even faster down the stone stairs into the dungeon. I could hear the rushed footsteps of the guards behind me. Quickly I kicked the dungeon bars and woke up everyone. I used a stone post, and was able to bust the bars. All the prisoners ran and hit the guards. They were no match to us! Quickly we flooded out the castle doors. I dived into the bushes of the nearest house I could find. Well, I guess it was a mansion. Anyway there was a dimly lit window in the attic. I took the chance and climbed to the half open window. A young maiden with beautiful blue eyes, was kneeling beside her bed, praying. “Oh, mother. When will things get better? Father still hasn’t returned from his trip! Each day, gets worse, as I hope for the best. Oh well. I will always have hope. I bid you good night! I love you!” Her words made me feel sad. I heard someone yelling “CINDERELLA!”, from downstairs. The maiden responded, and rushed downstairs. There was a big cupboard so I hid behind it, and luckily the carpet was soft so I called it a day and took my rest!

Chapter 6

A Bit Of A Problem

The next morning, I woke up and Cinderella wasn’t there. Maybe she woke up early, and went to do more chores. By now, I realized what story I was in! Anyway, the doorbell rang. I rushed downstairs (this was hard, because there were people down there), I saw the prince sitting in a chair using one of his guards as a footstool. He said, ”Please fit your foot in this glass slipper!” The fat chubby princess (Drusilla) fit her foot in the slipper. Her foot was humongous! The stepmother ordered her to step into the backroom, while the other thin as a stick sister (Anastasia) tried on the slipper. Her big toe was too large. I heard a shrill scream from the backroom, a red like substance poured out the door. It was blood. Meanwhile, Anastasia was called into the back room, as Drusilla stepped out, limping! She sat down and slid her foot on the slipper. The prince wasn’t fooled! The red blood only stained the glass! The prince pushed her aside and let Anastasia try one more time. Her whole big toe was missing, as if somebody cut it off! Then a voice perked up behind the kitchen. “May I try?’, Cinderella asked shyly. I knew what was going to happen next, so I just ran out the back door. But before escaping, I made a circle outline on the grass, with the foot of my shoe. I wanted to leave a mark. I walked down to a small beach. But I tripped on a rock, and the tide pulled me in!

Chapter 7

Something Smells Fishy!

I woke up in a closed up space. It was very dark, I could feel the ground was squishy and soft, I went to feel the walls, but they weren’t walls at all! I realized I was in a sea anemone! I went out and there was only sea around me, fish everywhere! I saw something glistening in the distance, so I swam to it. I saw it was a pearl. Except it reflected a lionfish! It wasn’t reflecting me! Then, I lifted up my hand, and it wasn’t a hand at all! It was a fin! Just my luck! I was a lion fish. Suddenly, I heard sweet singing. I hid behind some seaweed. “I want to be, where the people are!”, sang the voice. It was coming from a mermaid with beautiful red hair, and a scaly green tail. It was “The Little Mermaid”!  Accompanying her, was a red lobster, and a yellow butterfly fish. Behind her came a merman with a long silvery glowing beard. “Ariel!”, boomed his voice. “Oh father, I apologize for leaving the castle!”, said the sweet mermaid. Her father had a disappointed look, and swam away.  I swam over to Ariel, and hid behind some red coral, to blend in more.” I really want to be human! My only solution, is Ursula, the underwater sea witch.”, said Ariel, hopelessly.  “No you mustn’t!  She will eat you!”, warned the Jamaican accented lobster. The butterfly fish swam up and down in warning, too! Ariel swam down anyway. I followed her down to the deeper waters.

Chapter 8

A mistake

We went down to a sea moss covered villa. We went inside, and this hideous lady with purple skin, and white electrocuted hair was busy making concoctions. “Who enters my lair!”, bellowed a low, evil voice. “It is I, Ariel. I wish to be human.”, said Ariel, bravely. “Well I will be able to help you, but there is a cost.”, replied Ursula.” I need your tongue!”, she said. Ariel looked at Ursula, like she was crazy! If it meant that much for her to be a human, then she might as well give away her tongue! “Alright.”, responded Ariel. Ursula grinned with satisfaction, grabbed a crab with sharp pincers, and walked slowly to Ariel. I couldn’t bear it! “STOP!”, I yelled!  I stung Ursula (Thank goodness I was a lion fish), and told Ariel what was going to happen. Ariel didn’t want to lose her life, to some human man, so she swam back to her castle, and gave her father a great big hug! King Triton thanked me, and let me stay for dinner. I forgot I was a fish, so no meat for me, but oh well, it’s the thought that counts! So, I stayed and ate seaweed. After that, I bid the family goodbye, and swam away.

Chapter 9

Back to Human

By this time, I wanted to go back to human, I saw rocky stairs and tried to swim – climb up them, but that didn’t work, after about 100 more fails, I gave up. I was tired, hungry, and homesick. I wanted to go `home to my family. My mom would probably have something delicious cooked up for us. My dad probably wanted to drop a lame joke, and give me a hug. My little sister probably wanted to snuggle up close with me and chat about the world’s problems. My baby sister probably had drawn a messy picture for me! These thoughts brought me to tears. But, no fish could see them, since I was in water. I couldn’t give up. I knew I would get out eventually! I tried jumping out of the water by hoisting myself onto a big fish. That only made it grumpy. To take a break, I started rummaging around for shiny things. I saw this beautiful pearl that was golden. I looked into it, and saw myself as human! That was weird! Then I realized, I became human!   But how could I know where my home was? I sat on a rock and started thinking about home again. Suddenly a bright flash appeared, and a beautiful shimmering being was floating there. The being was me, but way more goddess like!  She/me asked me where I wanted to go. I replied with one word. Home. She threw a bright golden light at me, and that’s all I remember!

Chapter 10

Just A Dream

I woke up, in my bed. I realized, it was all a dream! Standing beside me, was my baby sister. I grabbed her, plopped her on my lap, broke out all the storybooks, and read to her! After the books, I told my family about my dream! They all told I should write a book about it. Well that was my odyssey! A Fantastical Odyssey!

The End

One Child

Chapter 1

Girl’s Education, and Its Toll on the World.

Girl’s education is a serious topic, especially in the modern world. Many teen activists have researched on the issue. They have spoken out in public, or just plainly felt strongly on the topic, themselves. Millions of people feel strongly that girl’s education should be allowed, and countries who don’t allow it are not thinking hard enough. Many famous teen activists like Malala Yousafzai, have been criticized for their words. But, they did not give up on their words.

On the Global Campaign for Education, many articles state that girl’s education, is a controversial issue, that is widely spread in many countries around the world. Although, it may seem like a small thing to many people, almost 66 million girls are not given the gift of education. The stereotyped image of a girl is to clean, marry at a young age, and care for children. It is as if, there is no given purpose for a female in the world, except to care for a household. Many people do not understand what women can do, if they were given their deserved education. The topic has left a lot of school girls more appreciative for their education. What you call a boring waste of time and knowledge, another child calls a luxury!

Chapter 2

What Have People Done to Stop the Deprivation of Girl’s Education?

Many people, especially teenagers themselves, have done so much to stop this! On the Huffington Post, a group of teenage girls have made funds and organizations to stop this. They have been widely appreciated, and have left many people baffled. Many activists have been inspired by the one and only Malala! Malala Yousafzai is a world renowned icon known for her incredible words on education, and her thoughts against the Taliban. The Taliban is a terrorist group in Pakistan, which looks down on girl’s education.On Glamour magazine, Malala was elected as woman of the year. She was only known by the world as Gul Makai, a pen name for a girl who shared strongly about her opinions about how girls are being deprived of their education. Malala said at her Nobel Peace prize winning, “The word Malala, means grief stricken; sad. But in order to learn some happiness to it, my grandfather would always call me Malala, the happiest girl in the world!”

She also proves that an Indian and a Pakistani can work together to make the world a better place. India and Pakistan are not really countries that agree with each other. But the border can be broken. Malala was shot in the head because of her thoughts. But she fought with feeling and not fists! Malala is the voice of millions of uneducated children!

On a blog entirely dedicated to Malala, Malala receives the Sakharov prize, which is the biggest human rights prize in Europe. She was also the youngest person to receive it. Her career started as words to her loved ones, stretched to interviews about her opinions, and to an entire nation at her recovery. She has gone through a lot in life, but she has more and more to accomplish. Her famous saying is “One child, one teacher, one book, and one pen, can change the world!” it means that so much can be accomplished with the most simple things. Education should not be taken for granted. It Is not a gift either. Education is a purpose. Those hours of studying and endless lessons are merely the strands of thread forming your future.

There is only one goal: Education for all !

A Letter to God

Dear god,

Hi it’s me! Just another human. You’ve probably met a lot of humans, right? Anyway, I’m just writing a letter to you. I have so many questions. My most important question is “Do you exist?”  How does anyone know you exist? When we have a doubt in mind or a desire, why do we turn to you? Are you in many forms or are you only one person? Will my wish come true? There is nothing I desire. I wish for world peace. I would love to wake up one day, everyone smiles, and there’s no hate. A world where no one judges you on race, color, gender, anything, would be a world I would live in. But, if there’s no hate, how will we do anything. Conflict is reason of solution. Without problems, how can we learn? How can we trust in our loved ones?

Questions! That’s the only answer. Questions are the answer. I know it’s really confusing, but that’s life! Without questions or problems what will we do! If you ask me, the world we’re in is just perfect! Without problems, who will be the doctor that looks after you? Who will supply you with food, water? We’re all humans, and we need each other. All for one, one for all! If we have unlimited food and water, and unlimited healthcare, then how will we be human? What is the reason about you? If you are real why don’t you show yourself? I believe in you! But are you real? Are you really, up above us? Are you up there with our ancestors that we once loved and cherished. If you created us all then why can’t you bring them back? Why can’t you make those grieving, happy again? Here’s my answer; No. You won’t ever see them again. But, you can feel them.

Why can’t they come back to life? A spot is open. Life is just like a bus; if someone needs a seat, you must to give it to them. That is, if you choose to do the right thing. Immortality won’t be possible, until a lot of lives go and hard work is applied. A person dies ever second. A child is born every three seconds. Those who have fulfilled a long healthy life finally pass to give a new one who is just about to start a new journey. We’re helping people of the world. An ideal life is not possible. A perfect life isn’t possible either. But a life that is perfect for you, for anyone, is the most perfect thing there is. Life is very confusing. It’s a maze of puzzles and mixed emotions. All I ask you, God, is that I want you to guide me safely through a happy, healthy life.

Thank you!

Love (A dedicated believer) 

Ocean Alert

I have read, Ocean Alert, by Time Kids, Extra.  The article that I have read, informs the problems that global warming has caused for these passing years. The problem has been widening, and it is becoming a problem for animals. This is my preview and feedback on the article. This is what I think about global warming, and what should be done for it. Even the ocean’s waters are starting to become acidic! Coral reefs continue to die, and glaciers are continuing to shrink. The problem has become worse. Let’s all find a way to protect the environment! Let’s solve this problem, not for our sake, but for the animal’s sake!

What are your Ideas to solve this problem?

An Odd Adventure For Mr.Roger Lilac

Some things just weren’t meant to be. This was the motto of Mr. Lilac, who was a retired English teacher. His personality was very well hidden. Some said he was a sweet, gentle, old man. Others said he was a mean, vicious, grumpy, old, hag. But actually, he was both. To the studious children, who  voluntarily tended his garden, he would occasionally bake them a treat, or invite them in for tea and biscuits. He was often compared to a sweet grandma. However, when kids would throw eggs and toilet paper his house, he would burst out the door yelling after them. “Darn kids! Go read a book or something! And leave me alone!”, he would say.  Then, he’d go off into the house, murmuring. He was a man of 60, who had a tragic past. When he was born, his mother, Ruby, died from a stroke, just after taking a first glance at him. His father John, and his mother, were fighting the night before, on what to name the baby. John wanted the name, Jeffery, and Ruby wanted the name, Roger. After his wife’s death, John named the baby, Roger, to honor Ruby. About 2 years after Roger was born, his father had been smoking because of his depression. This caused his father to get mouth cancer. Since everyone thought John was a foolish man, no one helped him with his problem. Sadly, he passed away by the time Roger was turning 3. Roger was put in an orphanage.

There he met a girl around his age, who had lost her parents at age 1, because of a fire in the house. Her name was June. He felt sorry for her, because he had almost 3 years with his dad, while she only had 1 year with her parents. Comparing their two tragic pasts together, Roger and June became the best of friends. After almost 20 years, Roger proposed to June. Then, they got married, 9 months after. They had a boy and a girl, who were named, Derek and Ruby. Roger named his daughter Ruby, to honor his mother. Ruby married, and lived with her husband in Kenya, as Ruby was studying giraffes. Derek had become an eye doctor. Roger and June were both very proud of their children’s careers. Sadly, when Roger was around the age of 58, June passed away from brain cancer. Roger was extremely sad, but he was happy his wife left the world with a smile. He knew he would definitely miss her smile every morning. There Roger sat, thinking about each and every detail of his past. These memories brought him tears. He slowly sipped his tea as he slouched in his rocking chair, and drifted off into a deep sleep.

“Mew! Mew! Meow!”  “Oh! What was that!” , barked Mr. Lilac, spilling hot tea all over his knees! “ Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! These were my favorite trousers!”, cursed Mr. Lilac, in his British accent. “I supposed that would wake you up!”, said a strange French voice. “Who are you, and what are you doing in my house!”, questioned Roger. Sitting ahead of him was a tabby, white furred, cat, with a beret and thin moustache. “Bonjour! I am Monsieur Whiskers! Pleased to make your acquaintance!”, and with that the cat stuck out his paw, as if he wanted to shake hands with Roger.  Roger backed away, and thought he forgot to take his medication. “No more sweets!”, he told himself. “Quit thinking I’m not real!”, barked Monsieur Whiskers. “Come on! You are very late!” ”Late for what?”, asked Roger, puzzled. “I’ll answer, later! Come! Follow me!”, beckoned the cat. Off they went, as the cat dragged Roger by his wrinkly, aged, hand. Monsieur Whiskers stopped, when he reached the oven.  “Now….climb in.”, he said.  “Are you crazy! I don’t even cook in that thing, let alone climb in it!”, screamed Roger! “Oh my god!”, said Monsieur Whiskers, annoyingly. “It’s always the same with you humans! Allow me! With that, he opened the oven, and stared it at. Suddenly, out of surprise, he yelled, “Pickled Whales!” Roger looked at the cat, like he was crazy, even though he was. Then, the ovens racks disappeared and were replaced by a whirlpool portal, which had the colors blue and green swirling around each other. “Now, will you go in?, Monsieur Whiskers asked, mockingly. Roger looked at the portal, like he was going to reconsider, but a kick from the cat, disagreed. Down Roger and the cat went. They swirled into a world that was unimaginable.

Roger and Monsieur Whiskers landed hardly, on a patch of ground, that was colored orange. Roger felt like he broke his sternum, but Whiskers just got up, dusted himself, and began licking his paws. Roger got up and questioned the cat, rapidly.”Where are we? Why in the world, did you say, “Pickled Whales”, and Why do you need me?” “Would you just be quiet?”, screamed Monsieur Whiskers. Then, he led Roger through a forest of orange grass, blue pebbles, and pink trees. At the end of the forest, Roger saw his daughter! “Ruby! What are you doing here?”, he asked, running to hug his daughter, in his warming embrace. “I don’t know, Daddy! This hooligan grabbed me, while I was analyzing giraffe feces!”, she answered. “Oh! Roger, allow me to introduce my good friend, Senor Rover! Senor, this is Roger Lilac.”, introduced Monsieur Whiskers. Roger had no idea, how the cat knew his name. “This is crazy! Who am I going to meet next; Mademoiselle Turkey?!”, barked Roger.  No, of course not! She’s our queen! , consoled Monsieur Whiskers. “That’s it! I’m leaving! It’s way better for my daughter and I to get away from you, you, you freaks!”, said Roger, furiously. Him and Ruby, walked off and started talking, like they were old friends. Roger asked Ruby how her daughter, Lillian, was. Ruby asked Roger, how his garden was. Then, she stopped dead in her tracks and said, ”Wait! Daddy, we don’t know where in the world we are, so don’t you think it’s safer to go with dog and cat guy?” Roger agreed and ran to “dog and cat guy”. “Please, let us go with you!”, begged Roger.  “Okay, then.”, declared the animals. Roger and Ruby followed the animals to a tree and a log. "Unfortunately, we have only space for two in each of the houses.”, consulted Monsieur. Roger took Whisker’s house, and Ruby took Rover’s. Roger stepped into the cat’s house, and gasped. Before him was a luxurious 3 piece sofa, seated in front of a 100 inch plasma screen TV! Then, a finger tapped on his shoulder. Startled, Roger looked behind him, and saw a fuzzy fur ball with buck teeth, and bulging curious eyes. “FLOOFLE!”, yelled, the strange being. “Roger, this is my Gristle Puff. In Weirdania, our maids are called, Gristle Puffs! FLOOFLE, means “hello!”, introduced Monsieur. Monsieur told Roger that his Gristle Puff’s name was, Yolanda. Roger couldn’t believe that his crazy cat friend owned a 10 star luxurious bungalow! That night, Roger slept peacefully, except for the times Yolanda barged into his room, and broke out in dance. He couldn’t even figure out why she did that! The next morning, Roger awoke to a thud! He opened his eyes and saw a gigantic slimy, wriggling, purple, tentacle plopped on his waist. What was shocking , was that the tentacle was bursting out of the window! Then, a screech was heard! It was a sound of an eagle’s mixed with a lion’s. Whiskers burst into the room, and said, “Looks like it’s our turn to face the Octoriffin!” “The Octo – what now?”, asked Roger. Whiskers explained that the Octoriffin was a beast of fury, bravery, and agility. Only the bravest of the brave could face the beast. A rare jewel called the Polytimos was the only thing that could stop it. But to acquire it, you had to go through the forests of Gruselig, ski through the mountains of Kori, and make it past the guarder of the Iyalamayai caves. Legend had it that the Polytimos was never used, because no one was brave enough. Therefore, everyone who was visited by the Octoriffin was never seen again. “I’m not going to die in a world full of freaks!”, declared Roger. “Senor! Monsieur! Ruby!”, Let’s get that Polytimos.”, yelled Roger!

The group got out bags, and started to pack up necessary items for the trip. Roger asked Monsieur Whiskers why he didn’t pack any food. Monsieur replied, “With this fishing pole, I don’t need to pack any food!” However, Senor Rover was packing all the food he could find. Ruby emptied out all the makeup and junk in her purse, and packed it in the bag. “Girls.”, muttered, Roger under his breath, rolling his eyes. Roger seemed like the only person, or rather, living thing, that packed everything NECESSARY! At the end, Monsieur’s bag was flat and nearly empty, whereas Senor’s was bulging with food, and dripping with sauces that might have leaked in the bag. Ruby’s bag was so full, that one of the zippers fell off! The four of them set off on their journey. But how were they going to get past the Octoriffin? Senor ducked behind one of the monster’s tentacles, and signaled the others to follow him. Slowly, one by one followed Senor. When Ruby tip toed under the Octoriffin’s tentacle, she accidentally brushed her shoulder up against his suckers. The monster turned around, and snatched Ruby. “Daddy! Help me!”, she screamed!  Roger and the beast deeply stared at each other, for a moment. Then, the Octoriffin let go of Ruby, and stuck its tentacle through another window. “How did you do that?”, asked Monsieur. Roger said that he would explain later. They continued on their journey and stopped at a dark and eerie looking forest. They were at the forest of Gruselig! Ruby understood! “Daddy! Gruselig means creepy and ominous in German!” Roger knew she knew this, because he would make her study hours of English and different languages in her childhood. Whiskers shivered at the thought of the forest. He remembered that he would play ball with his friend, Silky. Sadly, one day he threw the ball too far. Silky went to fetch the ball, but he was never seen again. Slowly, the group tip toed towards the forest. Hoots of owls, and shakes of trees, sent chills down their spine. And if that wasn’t enough, the scattered weeping willow trees gave them a sad lonely environment. Nothing could save them. But, they forgot about the creepiness. Onward, they went, as the howling wind sounded like a lost hungry coyote! Fortunately, this eeriness made them want to run! They ran out of the forest as fast they could. They had made it. This wave of loneliness and horror had finally made them never ever want to go to this place again!

The four continued on their journey, as they walked along the rocky pebbles that colored the ground. They had stopped when they saw an icy, snowy majestic, mountain, in front of them. “Welcome to Mount Kori!”, introduced Senor Rover, dramatically.  Roger’s heart was racing as he thought of the long and high trek. The mountain seemed to be taller than Mt. Everest, itself! And worst, he was 60. Would he survive, or would he die? No one knew the answer. Only fate could bring the truth. Off they went, ready to begin the trek. They trudged through the rocky environment. As, if things couldn’t get worse, snow appeared! They trudged through the heavy snow. Roger started to miss sitting in his rocking chair with his piping hot chamomile tea, at home. Finally, the group found a rest area. They set their tents, and went to sleep. The next morning, the four continued their trek. Finally, they reached the top! “Now all we have to do, is slide!”, said Monsieur.”Are you crazy!”, yelled Roger! But, Monsieur kicked Roger, and the next thing he knew, he was sliding down the tallest mountain in the universe! Since the altitude was so high, Roger went down the mountain in 2 minutes. Luckily when he slid, his group followed him with scared expressions. They conquered the mountain, finally! They continued walking when they stopped at a cave.  It was the cave of Iyalamayai! Just looking at the cave gave you the creeps! You could see all the stalagmites and stalactites dripping with water. “Let’s go in!”, said Ruby. The four went inside, but stopped! There was a big hairy warthog like creature standing in the entrance! “ Who dares to go in the caves of Iyalamayai! “, it bellowed loudly! “ Are you wretched fools here to take the Polytimos?”, asked the beast. “ I am Lionestica! Guarder of the Polytimos! Not a single soul has passed me!”, roared Lionestica. Roger deeply stared into Lionestica’s eyes! Then, Lionestica melted on the ground! The goop disappeared, and in its place, was a bottle full of a strange liquid! “I don’t know what it is,  but it might help us!”, said Roger, tucking the bottle into his jacket. They continued on, in the cave and Ruby accidentally stepped on a raised altar, built in to the ground! The altar let way, and Ruby fell down a hole, screaming! Roger thought he lost his daughter, forever! His comrades urged him to move on, and he finally gave in. A few minutes later, Monsieur fell sick, and fell to the ground. Right before Roger’s and Senor’s, eyes His body slowly started disappearing! Senor and Roger ran and ran into more deeply into the cave. Roger heard Senor scream! He looked back and Senor was gone. Roger felt very lonely! He went even deeper into the cave, and there it was! The bright pink Polytimos glowing in all its glory! Roger grabbed the jewel, tucked it in his coat, and without thinking, he drank out of the bottle. He didn’t really want to do it! Something forced him to. Then, he was sucked into another portal. He was back at stage 1, standing behind Monsieur’s and Senor’s luxurious bungalows. The weird thing was that his group was with him! They all explained that they disappeared right back where they started.” I think the liquid transported me back here!”, said Roger.  Monsieur told Roger to stick the Polytimos in the Octoriffin’s eye. Roger just threw the jewel and it perfectly landed in its eye! The Octoriffin shrieked and disappeared! Standing in its place was June! “Roger, I didn’t pass away from brain cancer, I was sucked into Weirdania!”, complained June! She explained that she had done life research on the Polytimos, and set for the journey! She went to the caves but the Lionestica turned her into the Octoriffin! “Now that I’m free, I can finally go home!”, cheered June. The family of 3, were transported back to their home! After the crazy adventure, Roger knew that he was living his life to the fullest! And they all lived happily ever after!

The End !