Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Our Beautiful GMC

We had a car.

This car that served us well.
In this car we went on family vacations
This car brought us to school everyday
This car was our 6th family member
This car was our Baby

In 2011 we bought a car. This car was very spacious and big to me. Back then.

We slipped on our heavy jeweled indian dresses and went into this new silver car that we were supposedly to make new memories with.

A two hour long ride later, we got out of our new car. Coconuts were thrown. Vermillion was applied and our new car looked like a furnished hindu god. We get back in and set off to our house. We rode in this car for the next 7 years.

This GMC brought my baby sister home, Her curious small eyes observing everything around her. Our dad’s endless facebook posts with “Babe” featuring him and his shiny silver car, often holding a beer. I think at these points Daddy loved the car more than his own wife! We laughed in this car, We cried in it too. We invited people in and even forced them out. Most of the time it was me. (I’m a very misbehaving child).

This car was our family. Sometimes My dad would teach us how to drive in this car. Often times i would be waiting and waiting for the car to show up at school. Sometimes i would be the only kid left at school. And so i would swing my feet under the railing and hope to see the familiar mug of our car with promises of shelter and happiness. It’s hard to describe but that face of our car was like another close knit face of a family member that stays seared into my mind. I won’t forget our Baby. I never will. That car carried me into my competitions, performances and even my first day of middle school!

It’s hard to believe that I’ve become so close with a machine. But that’s what memories do to you.  And our car always always always carried us safely to our home. Never was there a day when  we didn’t return home. Many of my friends have two or more cars. But our one car was just enough for us. And we had the biggest family.  Many days I would sit by myself in the back because I was moody. And who knows how many candy wrappers and coffee spills litter our car. Who knows how many valuable objects that we’ve been looking for are stuck in the seats?

I used to think that i would got to prom n that ar. That i would go to college in that car. Always a vision would play off in my mind that would be shipped off to college in another car. But i really don’t know why. But it’s ok. I’m ready to make new memories with this new car we have. And it’s so hard to believe but our NEW GMC ACADIA will drive me to prom and college! Wow! So I’m so ready to make new memories in this new car we have. And our GMC will always rest in our hearts. BUT now ur old GMC will hopefully be repaired and given to a new family to start some beautiful memories just like we did. And now we’re ready to start some new memories with this car. And then eventually we’ll let it go and get a new one. And the car cycle will continue. But for now i’ll stay in the present. Because the future is filled with great things yet to come. I love our car and i will learn to love this one too. Thank you GMC for giving us a car to make memories with.

Thank You from the bottom of our hearts.

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