Friday, September 15, 2017

Stranded on Stone Island

Chapter 1

The Strange Island.
Lana and Maria were surfing at the beach. As they took a break at the smoothie stand, Lana came up with a plan. She would race Maria in a surfing contest. As they were getting ready to surf, Maria took a little swim in the waves. The contest was about to begin. They rode the  waves really fast! Suddenly, a gigantic monster wave pulled them in! All the people that were watching, started to panic! Lana and Maria screamed as the waves pulled them in! Then, the harsh waves died down. No one could see Lana or Maria! They were pulled into the Atlantic Ocean! The next morning, they woke up on sand. They realized that they had been washed up on an island! Lana and Maria walked upon the strange island. There were mysterious faces carved in stone. There was a strange writing on the sand. Suddenly, the bushes started moving! A little mouse came from beneath it. While Lana was scouting for food, Maria took the mouse in her hands. She named the mouse, Cheesy. As Cheesy was perched on Maria's shoulder, Lana found some mangoes. As they all snacked on the mangoes, Maria was coming up with a plan for everyone to get out of the strange island. Cheesy went to sleep on a sheet of banana leaf. The girls really wanted to get home. They just had to!

Chapter 2

Life on the Strange Island.
The next morning, Cheesy started building a fort in the sand. The girls woke up to his busy paws working in the dusty sand. They thought it was so cute to see a little mouse working away!  Lana, Maria, and Cheesy started trekking across the island. They found some delicious fruits to snack on. Finally, they found a nice place to settle on, far away from the shore.

Day 3, of being stranded on the island. It was morning. The girls started hiking, to find some fruits. Suddenly, the big, giant, volcano started rumbling! A giant glob of lava spewed out of the volcano. They ran as fast as they could to the nearest cave, or pit. As they jumped into a hole in the ground, the lava started spilling over the volcano! They ran and hid behind some palm trees, for cover.  the hole as fast as they could with a big layer of flat stone. They could feel the warmth of the lava running over the stone, covering the hole. Finally,  the volcano's eruption faded! As they climbed out of the hole, they saw rocks of obsidian splattered everywhere. They did not care if they lost their settlement! They were just happy they survived!

Chapter 3

Home Sweet Home!
Back in Florida, the girls' parents tried to contact rescue teams. They were wondering what would've happened to their girls. Were they alive, or were they dead? Would they see their daughters again? At the island, Lana was trying to contact her parents with her dead cellphone. It would not work anymore because the sea water drowned it! Maria was putting Cheesy to sleep in a feather blanket, that she sewed by herself. Suddenly they could see a red helicopter in the distance. They were going to be rescued! As Lana tried to signal the helicopter with a torch, Maria took Cheesy, and put the little mouse in her pocket. The helicopter pilot noticed the torch blaring in the distance. He flew to the island and lowered a ladder down to the sand. As the girls climbed the ladder they looked back and waved bye to the island. They flew back to Florida. As they got down from the airport, they saw their families. As they ran and hugged them with tears in their eyes, they knew that they would never let go of their family. Love was  spread everywhere! In the night, they thought of their great adventure in Stone Island. It was an unforgettable adventure!🌺

The End

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